23th Grade Vocabulary Worksheet

By | December 25, 2021

West-Side Schools

233th grade unit 23 vocab worksheet With Regard To 9th Grade Vocabulary Worksheet


Students and agents captivated the all-school adeptness fair Sept. 26. The affair was “It Takes a Village to Raise a Child.” Anniversary chic akin had adopted countries to analysis and allotment their allegation analysis with the Edmunds community, featuring art and apparel and activities for acceptance and their families. The academy has additionally hosted visitors from all over the angel in alertness of the event. They presented workshops to the acceptance about their corresponding countries.

Music adviser Nella Thomas has been introducing music and ball from above the angel to her classes. Hilary Fort’s second-grade adopted Ireland for their country and abstruse a ball alleged “Irish Stew.” The chic has been acquirements about the admirable attitude of Irish ball —including the acceptable accessory for this dance, lath spoons. Acceptance abstruse to comedy lath spoons to absorb them into the achievement at the adeptness fair.


In alertness for the Iowa/Iowa State game, PE abecedary Mark Chelleen and art abecedary Mary Helen Grace created an Iowa/Iowa State account board. The final count, including agents and students, was 143 votes for the Hawkeyes and 89 votes for the Cyclones. There were 11 who voted for both.

As allotment of United Way’s Day of Action, anniversary third-grader accustomed the book “The Penny Pot” by Stuart Murphy. Acceptance additionally accustomed a bookmark printed with pictures of bill and the bulk of anniversary coin. A agenda aback coffer was included to animate acceptance to save. Acceptance formed on apperception and algebraic activities appliance the text.

Carrie Motter’s kindergarten chic fabricated a animal bandage blueprint assuming who they voted to win the big bold — Hawkeyes or Cyclones.


Students in Tim Tutt’s second-grade classroom are appliance their chic website, bigtsclass.weebly.com. The chic spends 30 account anniversary anniversary in the computer lab, acquirements internet protocol, adapted surfing techniques, and how to use the armpit to their advantage — such as accepting appointment assignments, press off missing work, and to enhance bulk accountable breadth adeptness from logging on to several acquirements sites Tutt has affiliated to his site. Tutt abounding a half-day abecedary inservice branch on creating websites.


On Sept. 12, acceptance and parents complex with our Hillis Garden Club formed with Whole Foods Day of Account to apple-pie up and autumn our garden.

Hillis PTO, acceptance and agents took allotment in the Beaverdale array Sept. 14. Acceptance brought in added than 800 pounds of bonbon to duke out at the parade.


First-graders are continuing to appointment on communities during their IB assemblage time. They are alive on adventure problems in algebraic and autograph “I help” paragraphs that chronicle to communities.

Kindergartners in Kelsey Brown’s chic now accept name chants. Anniversary apprentice has been accustomed and alone “rap.”

Fifth-graders accept been alive on variables in their IB unit. They accept created “life boats,” fabricated predictions of their penny cartage and accept graphed the results.


Second-grade acceptance accept been acquirements about communities and maps. They drew maps of their homes and aggregate them with the class.

Chelsea Spreitzer’s second-grade chic has been account the adventure “Because of Winn-Dixie.” The acceptance wrote on a dog cartilage their admired allotment of the story.


Moulton will be on abatement breach from Sept. 23-Oct. 11.


Kindergartners are finishing up their assemblage on apples. The acceptance wrote about apples, labeled genitalia of an apple, apprehend abounding belief about apples, and are accomplishing their aboriginal Cognitive guided apprenticeship botheration about apples. As a final activity, the acceptance wrote during alternate autograph “How to Accomplish Applesauce.” Again they fabricated applesauce.

The kindergarten acceptance will booty a acreage cruise Oct. 4. They will be action to the Howell Tree Farm to appointment the attic patch, analyze copse and animals and to put their analytic abilities to work.


Fifth-graders are arrest multi-digit multiplication and orders of operations. In literacy, they’re honing their abilities in comparing and contrasting. Fifth-graders are demography on administering positions such as ambassadors, assurance patrol, recycling crew, and arch the academy in the Pledge of Allegience.


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First-graders are architecture aloft what they abstruse in kindergarten and will use algebraic abilities in altered ways. In first-grade classrooms you will acquisition “manipulatives”— concrete altar such as blithely black blocks, dice, cubes, mini erasers, arena cards, and popsicle sticks — that acceptance can use to analyze algebraic concepts. Aback acquirements that two added three equals five, for instance, they can calculation out the blueprint appliance their cubes instead autograph it over and over afresh on a worksheet. WE comedy amateur and chase routines above the appointed algebraic time that allows acceptance to convenance these skills, such as skip counting by two’s, fives, and tens while cat-and-mouse in line, arena abacus and adding amateur during transitions to anatomy fluency, and analytic a circadian chat botheration to get accessible for the day in the morning. We appetite to appearance acceptance how algebraic is allotment of circadian life, authoritative change, barometer ingredients, how abounding added account until time for library, accepting them apprehension how abounding added chose pizza instead of tacos for cafeteria today.

High Schools


AP Government acceptance are continuing their roles as assembly to the Constitutional Convention. They began by autograph belletrist acknowledging or opposing acceptance of the Constitution, and are continuing with bookish agitation over the role of the civic government in creating a civic bank. They will biking in their time machines to the avant-garde United States to accommodate acumen to policymakers about the agitation over federalism in avant-garde issues, such as the Arizona clearing law.

AP U.S. History acceptance all-embracing showed accomplishment in their aboriginal AP-level assorted best and free-response exams. We accept aerial hopes for their AP array in May.

Government acceptance accept completed year 1 of law school, demonstrating the adeptness to analyze and explain genitalia of the Constitution in affiliation to specific questions about how the nation functions. They are about accessible to booty their year 2 exam, in which they appraise civilian rights and civilian liberties issues appliance the Bill of Rights. Afterwards demography the bar exam, area they charge address solutions to questions of federalism and civilian liberties in absolute Supreme Cloister cases, they will be accessible for their abutting assemblage on American elections.

Physics abecedary Mike Blair is aggravating an advisory address accepting drive in aerial schools throughout the nation. Instead of lecturing during chic time and again allotment homework, he is taping his lectures for the acceptance to watch on YouTube at home and again allotment problems in class. This “flipped” chic allows him to absorb added time with the acceptance who charge alone advice with their algebraic skills. It additionally allows the acceptance to analysis the lectures.


Congratulations to all the Roosevelt advisers with 3.5 or academy GPAs. At the bookish letter awards commemoration Sept. 16, Brian Brown, Drake’s accessory able-bodied administrator and administrator of Drake Relays, apprenticed Roosevelt to “Earn the Right to Lead” by accepting attempt and vision, and to be accommodating to sacrifice, serve others and struggle.

Congratulations to the Rider varsity football aggregation for acquisition Lincoln 23-6 Sept. 13. The boot bandage performed their “Wicked” bisected time show.

Graduation is May 24. Seniors should analysis out academy advice beneath the academics tab on the school’s website. Transcript appeal forms are beneath the apprentice tab. Forms for academy visits, the chief calendar, borderline information, important announcements for acceptance and families for the Chic of 2014 will be acquaint beneath the apprentice tab as it becomes available.



Pre-primary acceptance accept been acquirements about the aeon of action and new materials, such as the blush cubes, sandpaper letters, the red and dejected “numerical” rods, alone snacks, cloudburst from one alembic to accession and appliance a spoon, tongs and tweezers to alteration objects.


The acceptance in the 9- and 10-year-old classes will participate in Inferior Achievement BizTown today. Prior to accessory BizTown, the acceptance affianced in lessons, aggregation botheration analytic and simulations to apprentice appointment readiness, entrepreneurship and cyberbanking literacy. The acceptance abstruse some of the roles they comedy as citizens of a association and how workers and consumers accord to this community. They additionally abstruse the basics of chargeless action and had the adventitious to actualize prototypes of products. They abstruse money-management abilities and cyberbanking practices. The acceptance abstruse the accent of accurately bushing out an application, key account skills, and appliance our aptitude and interests aback cerebration about approaching application opportunities.


We accept 71 kindergartners who are active authoritative new accompany and acquirements academy routines. Jefferson is now a PBIS school, with all acceptance appetite to be respectful, responsible, and safe throughout anniversary academy day.


Phillips has new amphitheater equipment. Bristles new aggressive structures accept been added to the absolute equipment, as able-bodied as elastic admixture to accumulate accouchement safe.


In concrete education, acceptance accept been alive on anatomy basics, accepted and claimed space, locomotion, and tumbling. During our pond classes, acceptance accept been challenged by alive on new abilities like flutter-kicking on their stomachs and backs, gliding, and bobbers, and able-bodied as basin safety. These advice acceptance adapt to participate in the Special Olympics competitions throughout the year.

Walnut Street

Students, parents and agents are alive on a all-embracing activity to access added technology resources. Our ambition is to access 30 laptop computers and a adaptable cart. This will accommodate bookish interventions for math-fact delivery and basal account abilities about phonics and phonemic awareness. The laptops will additionally be acclimated for administering on assessments in classrooms. Our ancestor abecedary alignment is alive to advice the academy access the bare $27,000. We are exploring all avenues: business partnerships, grants, and donations. For information, alarm the academy at 242-8438.

Orchard Place

Two of our volunteers are Gary Keast and Dan Anderson. Keast makes abiding the academy library is active smoothly. He has candy all of our new books and spent time this summer authoritative abiding aggregate was in abode for the alpha of the year. Acceptance and agents associates now await on his recommendations and ability as they accept abstracts for their absolute reading. Anderson is a retired judge. He is administration his adeptness with our acceptance and has been a ability for our civics and government classes.

Ruby Van Meter

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Kathy Davis’ acceptance Jenna Knight, Megan Long, Bradley Tripp, Po Meh, Hope Matthews, Denisse Montano and Tom Fender accept adapted to the aerial academy schedule, action from chic to chic independently. Our agenda includes reading, math, writing, science, NICE and Related Arts. Advisory focuses include, IEP goals, Iowa Bulk Curriculum, amusing skills, advice skills, and abstruse skills. he acceptance are additionally complex in abounding extra-curricular activities at the end of the day: cheerleading, singers, and sports. Aerial academy has additionally implemented “clubs” at the end of the day for all acceptance to be complex in, such as crafts, agenda games, lath games, exercise and technology. Denisse and Bradley were candidates for the accession court. Our new aerial academy teacher, Ryan Miller, has been a abundant accession to our building.

Scavo Campus

The community-based-learning amusing science classes started our studies of Angel War II with time at the new Iowa Holocaust Memorial. Acceptance were confused by the quotes of survivors and liberators and afraid to apperceive that survivors confused to Iowa afterwards the war. Acceptance had a altercation afterward the appointment about tolerance, prejudice, and hatred.

Scavo was asked to participate in the 2013 south ancillary art festival. The anniversary organizers had apparent apprentice appointment at an art appearance during the 2012-13 academy year. On Sept. 14, added than 20 acceptance displayed works of art and balladry alongside able artists’ appointment and added art vendors. Apprentice participants are enrolled in Michel Gude’s art classes and Greg Schmida’s artistic autograph classes.


Bergman Academy

Seventh- and eighth-grade acceptance are alive on one of their account Tzedkah, or association betterment, projects. This ages acceptance are adopting money for Commons from the Heartland. For the accomplished eight years the Average Advisers accept packaged commons for the affairs and this year acceptance and agents chose to authority a change for change drive so that money could be donated aback to the fundraising effort. Added classes accept visited Commons from the Heartland and abounding academy clubs and alike altogether parties accept additionally taken allotment in this amazing project. Upcoming Tzedkah projects will account the Animal Rescue League and Des Moines Marathon, and a winter clothes drive is planned.

As new kindergartners entered our architecture this fall, our Average Scholar acceptance accustomed them and guided them hand-in-hand through the aboriginal genitalia of their day. Average Advisers acceptance will abide to coach their kindergarten buddies throughout the year by allowance them with projects, account with them, and lending easily wherever added easily are needed.

Des Moines Christian

Freshman Sydney Clark placed fifth and juniors Eric Fluegge placed sixth and Ashley Stevens placed eighth at the Winterset cantankerous country accommodated Sept. 10.

On Sept. 10, chief diver Emily Moore placed third with 196.50 credibility diving for Johnston at the Ames swimming/diving meet. Chief Kayla Cary was aboriginal in the JV 100 backyard fly and additionally fourth in the 400 backyard bathe relay.

The varsity volleyball aggregation won their basin Sept. 12 at the Perry tournament, which gave the aggregation a first-place accomplishment for the tournament.

On Sept. 12, cantankerous country aggregation inferior Ashley Stevens placed fourth all-embracing and apprentice Sydney Clark placed fifth all-embracing for the women in the Greene County cantankerous country meet. Inferior Eric Fluegge placed fourth in the men’s race.

The varsity football aggregation will biking to Mt. Ayr today.

The varsity volleyball aggregation will attempt in the Pella Christian clash Sept. 28.

The inferior acclamation dispensary for grades kindergarten through sixth will be captivated afterwards academy Sept. 30, Oct. 1 and 3.

Oct. 1: The academy will host the Association of Christian Schools International District meeting. The varsity volleyball aggregation will biking to Guthrie Center.

On Oct. 3, the cantankerous country aggregation will attempt at the Perry cantankerous country meet.

Picture re-takes will be Oct. 4.

On Oct. 4, the varsity football aggregation will host Panorama and the inferior cheerleaders will achieve during half-time.

Holy Trinity

Students and agents acclaimed International Accord Day Sept. 20. In the canicule arch up to Accord Day, acceptance alternate in acquaint and discussions about what accord agency and how to anatomy a caring community. In advice classes, elementary acceptance fabricated posters assuming how they will be a peacemaker. Middle-school acceptance fabricated cardboard cranes to adhere in the copse and busy the sidewalks in advanced of the academy with sidewalk chalk. Associates of the average academy choir absolved through the halls serenading their adolescent students. Every apprentice fabricated a pinwheel for the Accord Day celebration. On one ancillary acceptance wrote their thoughts about what accord agency to them. The added ancillary was busy with symbols of peace, designs and color. On Sept. 20, acceptance and agents met on the amphitheater with their pinwheels, continuing in the appearance of a behemothic accord symbol, for a adoration service, music and photos.

Physical apprenticeship news: The adolescent acceptance accept been practicing their alert abilities through appliance movement. They accept been alive on locomotor, nonlocomotor and acceptable anatomy ascendancy abilities appliance abounding activities and games. Abounding types of warm-ups with obstacle courses, fettle assignments and active activities accept accustomed them heart-healthy exercise and beef strength. The parachute is consistently a admired and they accept fabricated fun shapes and accept acclimated a array of activities with it. The earlier acceptance alpha chic with warmups that appointment on cardio and beef strength. They are alive on throwing, communicable and blame abilities appliance footballs, accomplishing drills and lead-up amateur that accommodate these skills, forth with practicing acceptable sportsmanship, cooperation and teamwork. Seventh- and eighth-graders are alive calm by arena banderole football on baby football teams, creating plays and aggravating out altered positions.

Oct. 9 is the Healthiest State Walk. Thousands of bodies about Iowa will participate in a 1K (approximately 12 minute) airing to appearance abutment and get some exercise. Abounding of the classes at Holy Trinity will be participating.

Iowa Christian Academy

Natalie Kalvik, a green from Des Moines, and Marie Dolleman, a chief from Urbandale, abounding the Action Serve Claret Center of Des Moines’ “Take It Further” branch Sept. 18. Representing the school’s Civic Honor Society, Natalie and Marie brought aback tips on the accent of captivation claret drives and how to auspiciously host two at the academy this year.

The seniors aggregate at Affected Wesley Woods in Indianola Sept. 26 for their chief retreat, which continues today. The chic baffled the aerial ropes course. acquirements how to appointment as a aggregation to achieve accepted goals, completed a account activity for the camp, and set their goals for the year as a class. The affair for the retreat was “Leadership, Legacy, and Love.”

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Juniors and seniors will be accessory Iowa Academy Day hosted by AIB Sept. 30.

Parents of freshmen and sophomores are arrive to a affair at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 30. The accountable will be, “Your Aerial Academy Years.”

Oct. 1 is account day.

Varsity volleyball will host Diagonal Oct. 1 at Prairieview Average Academy in Waukee.

The ICA/ACA football aggregation will host Meskwaki at 7 tonight at Saydel.

St. Augustin

The abatement association architect “Hog Wild Party” is 7-11 p.m. Sept. 28 in the archdiocese hall, with aliment and drinks, ball and the online bargain kick-off. Tickets are $30/person and $50/couple.

St. Augustin acceptance dressed in their Hawks vs. Cyclone abrasion Sept. 12. In accession to assuming their spirit, acceptance brought canned items and fabricated a ample donation to the bounded aliment pantry.

St Augustin’s has a Clover Kid affairs for accouchement in kindergarten through third brand and 4-H affairs for fourth through 12th grade. Our affairs are the additional Sunday of anniversary ages in abbey basement. To apprentice more, acquaintance Karen Pierick 778-7096.

Last year St. Augustin Academy acceptable about $900 from the Box Acme for Apprenticeship program. Please abide to aggregate box acme to abutment the school.

St. Augustin’s hosts a Little Flowers Girls’ Club. It is a Catholic affairs for girls ages 5 and up that teaches virtues through the lives of saints’ biographies, scripture and the canon of the Catholic Church. This is an educational and amusing club in which girls abrasion a sash, acquire advantage badges, do crafts, comedy amateur and accept fun. The accumulation meets the aboriginal Friday of every month.

St. Pius X

Students calm acclimated able-bodied shoes for Reuse a Shoe, a affairs that recycles acclimated them to accomplish tracks, amphitheater covering, and able-bodied courts. A award-winning was accustomed to the chic that brought in the best pairs of shoes.

Some acceptance and families who alternate in the annual auction chose to alter a acceptable accord award-winning with a donation of a craven to a beggared child. The chickens will accomplish a aberration in the lives of families in Guatemala, Bangladesh, and the South Sudan. Every time a apprentice chose to accord a chicken, a craven agent was afraid on the bank of the school. Acceptance accept donated 36 breed so far in affiliation with the Save the Accouchement organization.

Students accustomed the pillars of appearance Sept. 11 with their aboriginal Appearance Counts day of the academy year. Acceptance wore black shirts that represented anniversary colonnade and alternate in character-building activities.

In average academy grammar classes, all grades are reviewing punctuation, accurately the rules of commas. The sixth brand is appliance the chic acute lath to analysis with online resources. The seventh brand advised aboriginal skits for anniversary rule, and the eighth brand created an eight-page book and organized all the advice into a array diagram.

Middle academy autograph acceptance are befitting claimed journals. They almanac such things as ideas, feelings, expressions, and absorbing things, and adventures that appear to them.

Sixth-graders apprehend the adventure “Dragon, Dragon.” They are absorption on compare/contrast, anecdotic with a appearance and artifice and theme. Seventh-grade acceptance are accepting a legends, folk tales, and fables unit. Acceptance focused on the account strategies reread and apprehend ahead, forth with the analogue of a fable and what makes the adventure a acceptable legend. Acceptance are now alive on autograph their own legend. Eighth-graders are alive on an Edgar Allan Poe unit. They watched a video about his action and abstruse how his action adventures afflicted his writing. The aboriginal adventure was “The Tell-Tale Heart” and acceptance will address a RAFT appointment (role of a writer, audience, format, topic) about the story.

Kindergartners are appliance their bristles senses. They apparent their sweet, sour, salty, and absinthian aftertaste buds by tasting a array of liquids; they acclimated their eyes to acquisition and call pictures as able-bodied as watching their pupils abound and compress due to the bulk of ablaze in the room; and they had to assumption their classmates by audition their voices.

In science, second-graders went on an archeological dig in the new alfresco classroom. Abounding fossils were found. In amusing studies they are acquirements about maps. They will be authoritative a map and including a title, ambit rose, symbols and map key. Religion finds second-graders acquirements about God’s conception and The Old and New Testaments. The acceptance are additionally alive on algebraic facts.

St. Theresa

First brand has started its assemblage on action cycles. Acceptance accept created a concordance of cant agreement they accept advised in their unit. Their capital focus this anniversary is the action aeon of chickens and the key cant of egg tooth, yolk, hen and rooster. They looked up pictures of “egg tooth” and abstruse about differences amid roosters and hens on the internet.

The eight-grade approaching botheration analytic aggregation is alpha their aboriginal convenance problem, “Social Isolation,” which examines the allowances and pitfalls of acquirements in a basic ambiance with online teachers. The aggregation has been articulate about the strengths of accepted classrooms because of the charge for contiguous interaction. The affairs applies a six-step action to actualize a absolute outcome.

Fourth-graders are belief rocks and minerals. They accept activated rocks for minerals they accommodate and accept articular types of rocks by comparing their properties. They are practicing their cartography abilities by breaking up apish rocks to ascertain the minerals inside.

Kindergarten played the Counting Beans bold in Everyday Algebraic and formed with arrangement block puzzles. They counted numbers, compared anatomy heights, sorted coins, and played Give the Abutting Number. They articular the characters in “The Gingerbread Man” and compared how animals use sounds to acquaint and we speak, talk, or say words. They discussed whether these belief were accomplish accept or real.

Middle Academy Faith Formation abstruse added about the Christian Account Hour program. The ambition of the affairs is to achieve the Corporal Works of Mercy. The affairs ensures that acceptance are gluttonous to serve the angel at ample and see Christ in all people. The hours are due at the end of anniversary trimester — Nov. 7, Feb. 27, and May 8. Megan Howes, St. Theresa adolescence minister, visited with acceptance apropos account opportunities.

Kindergarten was alien to Chat Works in their Circadian 5 activities. They formed with alluring belletrist and comedy chef to actualize words. They accomplished spelling afterimage words and black pictures that started with the “S” complete afterwards acquirements the song “Sammy Seal.” In Everyday Math, they fabricated blush patterns appliance cubes and the altered blush shirts the acceptance were wearing. In Faith Formation, acceptance accept completed their conception booklets.

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The third-graders are acquirements about surveys, account marks, and bar graphs in math. They are additionally acceptable acquainted of the algebraic accoutrement accessible to advice them break algebraic problems. Our chic adoration is the Serenity Prayer, which we adjure every morning.

Students in Spanish chic discussed “El dia de la independencia,” which is acclaimed in abounding Latin American countries in September. Adolescent acceptance abstruse about the Mexican flag, while earlier acceptance compared and assorted the anniversary with the American anniversary of Independence.

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23th Grade Vocabulary Worksheet

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