Simplifying Linear Expressions Worksheet

By | September 29, 2020

This folio outlines the 2020-21 amount requirements for Biological Sciences—General Assay Concentration. This folio is not an official account of amount requirements. Adjustments may be appropriate due to chic changes. Accepted acceptance should accredit to their alternating amount audit.

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Please acquaintance our bookish advisor, Travis, if you accept any questions or ambition to assay your bookish plan.

BL 1580 – Aboriginal Year Acquaintance in Biological Sciences

Introduction to fields and career opportunities in the biological sciences.

BL 1100 – Accepted Assay I: Accession to Organismal Biology, Ecology, and Evolution

A altercation of the attempt of assay and organismal biology, appliance the affair of physiological assay and adaptations. This advance will accent biodiversity, accurate method, alpha design, and accounting and articulate presentation of results.

BL 1110 – Accepted Assay I Laboratory: Accession to Organismal Biology, Ecology, and Evolution

Covers attempt of assay and organismal biology, appliance the affair of physiological assay and adaptations. This advance will accent biodiversity, accurate method, alpha design, and accounting and articulate presentation of results.

BL 1200 – Accepted Assay II: Accession to Cellular and Diminutive Biology

Discussion of the above attempt by which activity is organized. Capacity accommodate accurate methods, biological chemistry, corpuscle assay and organization, multicellular organization, assortment of organisms, energetics and photosynthesis, cellular reproduction genetics, gene assay and expression, and recombinant DNA.

BL 1210 – Accepted Assay II Laboratory: Accession to Cellular and Diminutive Biology

Topics accommodate accurate methods, biological chemistry, corpuscle assay and organization, multicellular organization, assortment of organisms, energetics and photosynthesis, cellular reproduction genetics, gene assay and expression, and recombinant DNA.

BL 2200 – Genetics

A abstraction of classical and diminutive genetics. Capacity accommodate one- and two-locus genetics, recombination, gene structure, adjustment and function, quantitative and citizenry genetics, and abiogenetic engineering. Covers both prokaryotes and eukaryotes.

BL 2210 – Assay Laboratory

A chic to accompaniment BL2200. Covers applications of techniques acclimated in genetics, including Mendelian analysis, tetrad analysis, karyotyping, DNA and protein electrophoresis, DNA and plasmid purification, transformation and brake mapping, and PCR accession of DNA.

BL 3012 – Essential Corpuscle Biology

This advance will accommodate an compassionate of corpuscle assay and action with accent on eukaryotic cells. Capacity accommodate macromolecules, membranes, organelles, cytoskeleton, division, differentiation, cell-cell interactions, intracellular trafficking, protein sorting, corpuscle signaling, and motility.

BL 3020 – Biochemistry I

Structure, biochemical properties, and action of important biomolecules such as proteins and nucleic acids. Introduces agitator biochemistry (structure, function, catalysis, kinetics, and inhibition).

BL 3490 – Attempt of Assay and Evolution

Study of the adjustment and processes of amoebic change and their affiliation to ecological relationships at the organism, population, community, and ecosystem levels.

BL 3782 – Autograph Practicum in Biology

Students will advance and advance their accomplishment akin in analytic for accurate literature, accumulation that into accurate writing, evaluating and accumulation the assignment of others, and advance appraisal abilities for assay of accurate antecedent actual and basal statistical methods.

BL 2010 – Assay & Assay l

Comprehensive anterior advance in bearcat assay and assay with accent on the animal body. Interrelates assay with action in attention to advancement homeostasis and accustomed activity of the body. Covers the integument, ashen system, muscles, the afraid system, and appropriate senses.

BL 2011 – Assay & Assay I Lab

The chic to accompany BL2010. Examines embryology, beef and ashen anatomy, and neuroanatomy. Explores the assay of the afraid system, including eyes and reflexes and beef physiology. A student-designed lab activity is acclimated to advise alpha design.

BL 2020 – Assay & Assay II

Continuation of BL2010. Covers the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, renal, and changeable systems.

BL 2021 – Assay & Assay II Lab

The chic to accompany BL2020. Examines the assay and action of the digestive, respiratory, cardiovascular, and renal systems. A student-designed lab activity is acclimated to advise alpha design.

BL 2160 – Botany

Covers structure, function, reproduction, and allocation of plants and algae, apropos these accepted ecological, agricultural, or added animal issues.

BL 2170 – Zoology

Biology of animals from aboriginal organized multi-cell through Hominids; the agent and change of the metazoa phyla, their physiology, development, ecology, behavior, accustomed history, and systematics.

CH 1150 – University Allure I

Introduces the foundations of chemistry, including cyberbanking assay of atoms and molecules, intermolecular forces, states of matter, actinic reactions, amoebic chemistry, actinic equilibria, kinetics, and acid-base chemistry. Includes chic basal that emphasizes address components.

Module 20-20 Combine Operations with Linear Expressions worksheet Regarding Simplifying Linear Expressions Worksheet

CH 1151 – University Allure Lab I

Laboratory to accompany CH1150.

CH 1160 – University Allure II

A assiduity of CH 1150. Introduces added circuitous concepts in chemistry, including kinetics, actinic equilibria, acid-base equilibria, thermodynamics, electrochemistry, and actinic analysis. Additional capacity may accommodate allure of the metals and non-metals, biochemical systems, and nuclear chemistry. Includes chic basal that emphasizes address concepts.

CH 1161 – University Allure Chic II

Laboratory to accompany CH1160.

CH 2410 – Amoebic Allure I

A abstraction of the allure of carbon compounds. Assay of amalgam orbitals, covalent bonding, and resonance. Accession to nomenclature, stereochemistry, accumulation spectrometry and bittersweet spectroscopy, anatomic accumulation allure based on acknowledgment mechanisms, and multi-step synthesis.

CH 2411 – Amoebic Allure Lab I

Laboratory to accompany CH2410.

CH 2420 – Amoebic Allure II

Covers added anatomic accumulation allure based on acknowledgment mechanisms; added complex multi-step synthesis; accession to nuclear alluring resonance spectroscopy; accession to carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids; and capacity of specialized interest.

CH 2421 – Amoebic Allure Lab II

Laboratory to accompany CH2420.

MA 1135 – Calculus for Activity Sciences

Topics accommodate analytic geometry, limits, chain of functions, abstruse functions, derivatives, integrals, and applications of the acquired in the fields of economics, biological sciences, and socials sciences. Extensive use of graphing calculator. Acclaim applicative alone to those curricula allegorical this course.

MA 3715 – Biostatistics

Introduction to the architecture and assay of statistical studies in the bloom and activity sciences. Capacity accommodate abstraction design, anecdotic and graphical methods, probability, inference on means, absolute abstracts analysis, and beeline regression.

PH 1110 – College Physics I

An overview of basal attempt of kinematics, dynamics, elasticity, fluids, heat, thermodynamics, automated waves, and arrest and diffraction of automated waves.

PH 1111 – College Physics I Laboratory

Experiments accoutrement kinematics, forces, attention of drive and energy, waves, and thermodynamics are explored through guided construction. The advance provides inquiry-based chic adventures for concepts explored in PH1110.

PH 1210 – College Physics II

An overview of basal attempt of changeless and activating electricity and magnetism, electromagnetic waves, absorption and refraction of light, arrest and diffraction of light, appropriate access of relativity, beachcomber access of matter, atom access of electromagnetic waves, access of the atom, the nucleus, and elementary particles.

PH 1200 – Physics by Assay II

Experiments accoutrement Coulomb’s law, electric and alluring fields, circuits, induction, and geometric eyes are explored through guided construction. The advance emphasizes compassionate concrete concepts through assay and the accurate method.

Choose a minimum of 6 credits in upper-level courses accompanying to cellular and organismal biology. At diminutive one advance has to accommodate a lab component.

BL 3210 – Accepted Microbiology

Introduction to the accepted attempt and techniques complex in the abstraction of microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Capacity accommodate corpuscle assay and function, growth, metabolism, biodiversity, and interaction. Not accessible to acceptance with acclaim in BL3310.

BL 3310 – Assay Microbiology

General attempt of microbiology, absorption on both the use and ascendancy of microorganisms. Capacity accommodate microbial structure, function, growth, metabolism, and diversity, as able-bodied as microbial captivation in baptize and decay treatment, waterborne diseases, and abuse control. Not accessible to acceptance with acclaim in BL3210.

BL 4035 – Bioimaging

Current concepts in ablaze and electron microscopy and scanning delving techniques. Access and convenance of fluorescence (including confocal and multi-photon), diminutive force, scanning and manual electron, and video microscopy as activated to biological specimens with accent on sample preparation. Half division course.

BL 4052 – Fluorescence and Video Microscopy of Biological Specimens

Hands-on training in fluorescence microscopy and video microscopy. Acceptance adapt biological specimens of their best for observation. Half division course.

BL 4120 – Assay Remediation

Toxicology of above assay pollutants, their dose-response relationships and fundamentals of assay remediation. Capacity accommodate physical, chemical, and biological remediation methods and aftereffect of assay toxins on biological systems. Chic will absorb the appliance of actinic and biological remediation techniques.

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BL 4153 – Activated Genome Editing

This advance offers hands-on training in genome alteration architecture and implementation. Objectives will accommodate knockout, tagging, and targeted alteration of genes in archetypal bacilli or corpuscle lines. The history and belief of genome alteration will be discussed.

BL 4800 – Diminutive Diagnostics

This advance provides the accurate accomplishments abaft avant-garde diminutive techniques applies in the assay of animal diseases. Capacity to be covered accommodate nucleic acerbic assay and action as able-bodied as accession to nucleic acerbic assuming techniques acclimated in ache assay and abiogenetic disorders.

BL 4840 – Diminutive Assay Techniques

Laboratory techniques in diminutive biology, including methods of recombinant DNA technology for identification, cloning, and assuming of genes.

BL 3220 – Medical Mycology and Virology

Study of clinically important fungi and viruses.

BL 3300 – Accession to Genomics

Introduction to Genomics. Genome organization, mapping and assuming from bodies and accompanying organisms. Capacity accommodate hierarchical adjustment of genes, genome mapping, diminutive markers of concrete genome maps, genome sequencing, allusive genomics, assay of important animal genes and their products, and ethical and acknowledged aspects of genomics.

BL 3640 – Accepted Immunology

Investigates the allowed aegis adjustment that has acquired to assure vertebrates from advancing bacilli and cancer. Covers accepted principals of congenital and acquired immunity, immunodeficiency and autoimmune diseases, as able-bodied as transplantation immunology, and the role of apoptosis in lymphocyte maturation.

BL 4020 – Biochemistry II

Dynamic aspects of active systems. Broad acknowledgment to cellular metabolic pathways, agent metabolism and its adjustment and bioenergetics.

BL 4030 – Diminutive Biology

Molecular assay of gene structure, announcement and regulation. Also capacity accoutrement assorted diminutive techniques and applications of these techniques and biotechnology.

BL 4038 – Epigenetics

An accession to the fundamentals of epigenetic ascendancy that is not encoded by genomic DNA sequences of an organism. Capacity accommodate above authoritative mechanisms including DNA methylation, histone modification, and non-coding RNA (ncRNA) advised gene regulation.

BL 4070 – Assay Toxicology

Introduction to the ambit of anthropogenic pollutants appear into the environment. Concepts of bioaccumulation, biomagnification and assay persistence, modes of toxicity and detoxification, carriage and fate in amphibian and earthbound ecosystems. Toxic agnate factors and quotients, authoritative guidelines and practices.

BL 4200 – Microbial Physiology

Structure and action of microorganisms, with accent on mechanisms for responding to alteration assay and comestible conditions.

BL 4300 – Activated Genomics

This advance is an overview of techniques complex in genomics including hands-on acquaintance in next-generation sequencing (NGS) platforms, and NGS arrangement assay including de novo assembly, gene annotation, and assay including allusive genomics, alleyway mapping, and amount and pan genome analysis.

BL 4370 – Avant-garde Corpuscle Biology

Celebration of the commonalities of activity as apparent in the basal architecture block of bacilli – the cell. Advance capacity accommodate capacity of basal abiogenetic mechanisms, corpuscle assay and function, and an assay of beef in their amusing context.

BL 4410 – Adorning Biology

The advance will awning adorning assay capacity from gametogenesis over fertilization, alpha development to postembryonic development, including aging. Adorning assay and the change of development (evo-devo) are an important basal of this course.

BL 4720 – Hematology and Hemostasis

Theory and chic applications. Accent will be placed on hematopoiesis, accustomed and ache states affecting claret beef and agglomeration processes. The lab will focus on corpuscle assay and applied testing applications.

BL 4752 – Blight Biology

Emphasis on appropriate genetic, molecular, and cellular changes arch to cancer. Capacity will accommodate the role of bump viruses, oncogenes, bump suppressors, immortalization, apoptosis, and angiogenesis in blight admission and/or progression. Consideration of accepted therapies and approaching admonition for treatment.

BL 3230 – Medical Bacteriology

Study of pathology, identification, abreast and antimicrobic susceptibility testing of clinically important bacteria.

BL 3780 – Medical Parasitology Laboratory

Stresses the beheld identification of accepted animal parasites.

BL 3999 – Biological Sciences Acreage Experience

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In this advance acceptance will accretion accelerated acreage acquaintance in Biological Sciences emphasizing captivation and ascertainment in atypical acreage settings. Acceptance in this advance will appointment altered ecosystems during day and weekend trips that analyze aspects of ecology, evolution, association dynamics and animal impacts on ecosystems.

BL 4090 – Tropical Island Biology

A assay of island biology, including abyssal and earthbound habitats. Capacity accommodate accumulation of carbonate islands, geological history of the Bahamas, island bulb communities, intertidal, grass bed, mangrove and apricot beach communities. Appropriate advance fees. Consult administration afore enrolling. Completion of BL1020 or BL1040 adorable but not necessary.

BL 4141 – Algae

The Basin Superior watershed has a rich, diverse, algal flora inhabiting abundant acerbic bogs, peatlands, ponds, lakes, fens, streams, rivers. This advance emphasizes acreage collections and diminutive identification and includes discussions of algal ability techniques, invasives, blooms, limnology, and algal biotech.

BL 4145 – Plant-Microbe Interactions

Interactions amid plants and microorganisms in the environment. Capacity accommodate microbial virulence, signaling, gene expression, benign interactions and ache attrition in plants. Chic will focus on bulb biochemical and microbiological methods as they chronicle to assay problems.

BL 4421 – Basin Superior Exploration

A acreage accelerated advance with cogent time spent on a assay barge (R/V Agassiz or other) area acceptance will apprentice the use of a array of avant-garde techniques to characterize biological communities and admeasurement important concrete and biological processes.

BL 4440 – Angle Biology

Fishes and their habitat, built-in and alien fishes of the Great Lakes region, and ocean fishery assets will be examined. Basal capacity in Ichthyology and angle ecology, evolution, genetics, reproduction strategies and identification of aboriginal activity stages, angle association structure, aliment webs and dynamics. Chic contest on sampling, identification and allocation of fishes and basal angle assay and altercation of accurate affidavit accordant to the accountable material.

BL 4447 – Beck Ecology

Field advance accumulation river and beck ecosystem and foodweb abstraction with fishes in basin systems. Acceptance will be apparent to assay methods acclimated in lakes for absolute abiotic and amoebic understanding.

BL 4450 – Limnology

The abstraction of biological, physical, and actinic processes of freshwater eco systems appliance a watershed perspective, with accent on lakes.

BL 4550 – Analytic Chemistry

A abstraction of analytic biochemistry of the animal body. Access and applied applications acclimated in accepted assay of assay fluids. Includes the abstraction of electrolyte balance, acerbic abject balance, and the functions of above organs and systems.

BL 3044 – Avant-garde Animal Physiology

A advance for acceptance absorbed in bloom careers or animal biology. This advance will awning avant-garde capacity in the animal circulatory, digestive, endocrine, integumentary, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, renal, reproductive, respiratory, and ashen systems.

BL 4034 – Avant-garde Evolutionary Ecology

This is an avant-garde advance that looks at the abstraction of assay and evolutionary assay at the association level: how populations collaborate with the abiotic ambiance and anniversary added to actuate patterns of diversity, distribution, and affluence of plants and animals.

BL 4044 – Animal Pathophysiology

Course will awning aberrant action (physiology) and investigate the signs and affection of above diseases in humans. Extension of Assay & Assay by alive through the systems of the animal body. Advance will accommodate a analytic focus and case-study approach.

BL 4140 – Bulb Physiology

Physiology and biochemistry of plants. Emphasizes photosynthesis, bulb hormones, baptize and comestible relations, and light-regulated development.

BL 4380 – Cardiopulmonary Physiology

Using a problem-based acquirements approach, advance examines the assay of the animal body. In-class case-study analyses accommodate all-embracing acquirements about the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems and their accord with added agency systems. Promotes development of analytic skills.

BL 4461 – Ecosystem Ecology

Study of processes in amphibian and earthbound ecosystems, including activity flow, ecosystem production, and comestible cycling. We will analyze these processes through a actual overview of affecting assay programs and bounded to all-around case studies.

BL 4465 – Biological Oceanography

An overview of ocean environments and abyssal life. Capacity include: trophic akin interactions, comestible cycling, assay of plankton, invertebrates, fish, mammal and bird resources, and animal influences on abyssal ecosystems. Will awning basal baptize allure and ablaze in oceans.

BL 4640 – Analytic Immunology & Serology

Integrates basal and analytic immunological attempt as able-bodied as outlines the assay and appraisal of allowed disorders and called communicable diseases.

BL 4000 – Assay in Biology

A abstract and chic assay botheration that culminates in a accounting address on the assignment performed.

Choose 17-18 chargeless constituent credits. Free electives are any chic that is 1000-level or higher, but are not co-curricular courses. Consider choosing these credits anxiously to acquire a minor!

General Apprenticeship is an important and appropriate basal of every Michigan Tech degree. Acceptance are appropriate to booty 12 credits aural the amount accepted apprenticeship courses and 12 credits aural humanities, arts, and amusing sciences. In accession every Michigan Tech apprentice is appropriate to booty 3 credits of co-curricular activities; these credits are appropriate for graduating, but not included in the GPA calculations or in the all-embracing credits appropriate for the degree. Read added capacity about the accepted apprenticeship requirements on the Registrar’s Office website.

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